My First Blog post…

by | Aug 13, 2018 | Uncategorized

Hello friends and supporters!

First, thank you for reading my first website blog post!

I hope to bring you some inspiration, encouragement and, at times, a smile.
My daughter Julia modeled “live, love, laugh” on a daily basis, so it is in her honor and memory that I write.

It’s been eight years since Julia passed away at age 21. I’ve worked hard for almost three years now to rebuild my shattered life. I know that each of you have your own story, even if you haven’t lost a child.
I encourage you to leave comments on my blog posts whenever you wish to respond.

In today’s blog, I share some short snippets from my five phases of loss video series. I want to emphasize that not everyone goes through five phases after the loss of your child. Some might skip a phase or perhaps never reach the next phase. The five phases of loss video series were created to provide some clarity, hope and understanding of the bereavement journey.

Phase One
“There was really nothing in my life that I could compare with this horrific event. Doing anything besides merely existing took great effort.”
In the first phase, there’s a lot of shock and disbelief. The best word to describe phase one is “shell-shocked”. (For the full series click here.)

Phase Two
“Recognize suffering is an inescapable part of life and you can gain
powerful insight from it.”
Phase two is going on in life in the midst of pain, confusion and grief. There comes a time when you realize that, even in the midst of your great sorrow and pain, life is still going on around you and that somehow you need to resume life. (For the full series click here.)

Phase Three
“Understand that it takes courage, guts, and discipline to change; but
losing the battle to healing is far more painful than paying the price to
After a year and a half of being in the “Shock” phase, my pain surfaced. (For the full series click here.)

Phase Four
“What if being free from your pain is to honor your love for your child
and your loved ones?”
Phase four began when I decided… I was tired of living with the weight of pain from my loss.
(For the Full Series CLICK HERE.)

Phase Five
“You will believe being happy is minimizing your child’s death, but know that celebrating the good in life doesn’t mean you’re diminishing your child’s loss.”

To be honest, I didn’t think there’d ever be a phase five for me.

In Phase five, your days are filled mostly with peace. Sometimes there’s even a bit of guilt as you….. (For more CLICK HERE and sign up for your BONUS GIFTS.)


To receive the complete version of the FIVE PHASES OF LOSS video series and my weekly LIVING BEYOND LOSS series CLICK HERE

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Receive your Living Beyond Broken series that includes:

 5 Stages of Loss video series and your Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter   

Super Bonus Chapter - includes date rape drug prevention, Stephan’s wisdom, Justice/investigation, teaching chapters (Choices, Are you a victim?) and extra resources

·       -  5 Phases of Loss video series

·        - 5 Phases of Loss e-book (plus more..)



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