Justice For Julia

On March 13, 2010, my daughter Julia left for a spring break trip to Miami Beach, Florida. She was a student at La Crosse University in Wisconsin and, like most college students, she wanted a break in sunny Florida.
At 10:38pm on March 15, 2010, my husband and I were awakened by Green Bay police. They reported our daughter’s body had been found.

Our family was shattered. Life would never be the same.  Julia loved to make people laugh and had high aspirations for her life.  Moreover, she prided herself in her health and fitness; and had no history of drug usage — nothing made sense.
Awaiting any kind of information during that first year regarding her death was anguish. Then, surprised as we heard nothing from police investigators.

Hiring a private investigator, we learned that she had ingested a lethal dose of GHB and had no alcohol in her system. (Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, GHB is a colorless, odorless drug and is undetected by victims of date rape.)

Circumstantial evidence points facts to two suspects that were with her that night. They have never been made to speak and remain free.  For this reason, I’ve been on a mission to bring justice for Julia.

The Mission

To give countless victims with no voice — justice, and guide families through their sudden loss and devastation with this book.
The legal system and police investigations have disappointed my family.  We passionately advocate prevention against senseless deaths such as Julia’s. My passion for justice extends to all victims of date rape drugs.

Beyond Broken is my personal journey through grief and finding hope when there was none to see. In addition, I wish this book to be the light to parents who have lost a loved one and provide a roadmap as they navigate through their loss.

Refined By Adversity

  • Both bereaved parents and women who experienced date rape drugging entered my life and brought empathy and desire to make a difference
  • As injustice and dishonesty prevailed in the pursuit of justice by a police department, a passion for victims’ rights developed.

How I Thrived

  • Returning to teaching three weeks after her death proved to be “therapeutic.” Choosing to be around children’s joy and laughter.
  • Teaching for the next few years and reading books on loss were powerful catalysts in moving forward and beginning the healing.
  • In September of 2015, I joined an e-commerce business that had values, principles, and people that inspired me to focus on both giving to others and growing as a leader.
  • With encouragement from friends, I continued my running regimen, providing both physical and emotional health.

The Importance of Spreading My Message

  • In a Wisconsin Longitudinal study, After an average of 18 years, bereaved parents reported more depression, health problems, and marital disruptions than comparison parents.
  • Date Rape Drugs are prevalent on college campuses and 80% of victims are women.
  • Preventative education and social awareness with consequences around GHB are needed.
  • Intervention is critical to help bereaved parents experiencing hopelessness and getting back to a sense of normalcy is imperative.


Life Changer

After Julia’s death on March 15, 2010, traumatized me to the depths of my soul. I had to make life choices under the weight of great emotional distress as the soul-searching anguish brought so much under question.
Questions about her death (date rape drug overdose) and the emotional toll of loss pulled at me continuously.
In 2011, an investigator worked for several years to find answers to Julia’s overdose.
Answers led to frustration and disillusionment with law enforcement surrounding her case.


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Receive your Living Beyond Broken series that includes:

 5 Stages of Loss video series and your Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter   

Super Bonus Chapter - includes date rape drug prevention, Stephan’s wisdom, Justice/investigation, teaching chapters (Choices, Are you a victim?) and extra resources

·       -  5 Phases of Loss video series

·        - 5 Phases of Loss e-book (plus more..)



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