“We work to become, not to acquire.” (Elbert Hubbard)

Working towards a goal isn’t always “smooth sailing”. It means that we will make mistakes and have bad days. But it also means that the only time we really fail is when we quit. If we quit, then we don’t have a chance to learn and grow.

I know what it means to feel helpless, shattered and broken, to feel like like there’s no reason to live or to hope for the future. I know when it feels much easier to do nothing than to rise up and fight. But I also know what it’s like to work toward a goal despite everything around me pulling me back.

I have learned that it’s possible to change only when you tell yourself “Enough!!!” and make the decision to do the things you need to do to create a better life for yourself. It’s like the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” It’s ultimately your choice. You can blame people and circumstances for the rest of your life, but nothing will ever change until you take the responsibility and find the resources to make those changes.

Beyond Broken

“In the months and years after loss, exhaustion from my teaching job was welcomed in hopes that my mind would be too tired to dwell on Julia.  Sleep couldn’t come quick enough in the evenings. Often, a glass of wine would hasten the darkness so that I could slip into “nothingness” as I slept. Only the lure of coffee and the responsibility of work beckoned me out of bed in the early mornings. As I unwillingly dragged my body down the stairs, the cruel reminder of death and loss gripped my mind and heart.” (Chapter 21, revised version of Beyond Broken)

“What if you waited five years to make the choice to change? What difference would it make to your career, marriage, self-esteem, health, and all your relationships? Is it worth hanging onto your pain?

Understand that it takes courage, guts, and discipline to change; but losing the battle to healing is far more painful than paying the price to overcome.

You will believe that you have every right to be angry, to live in pain, and to shut out the world, but don’t you also have the right to find peace, be free of pain, and to have relationships?” (Chapter 25, revised version of Beyond Broken)

Daily Living

Because I understand the challenge of moving forward and moving away from despair and pain, I have put together a 14 day challenge to help you see the benefits of positive daily habits. The real determiner in lasting change is your commitment to daily habits that you have chosen to instill in your life. For me it was not only exercise and eating right, but it was saturating my mind in right thinking and truth. Your thoughts and beliefs are the biggest obstacle to change. Until you expose yourself daily to truths through reading self-development books, listening to life-changing audios and making positive associations, your  “default” will be your old patterns and habits of thinking and doing. Trust me, I know. But there is power in repetition and those thoughts CAN be dis-empowered and replaced with the right thinking, as long as you stay committed to your new habits.

I have also created a journal, coming soon, to help you be accountable and instill positive habits into your life. There’s a book list on the back inside cover of the journal, specially chosen to guide you on your journey to a healthy mindset.

If you haven’t done so, please sign up for my 14 day challenge, beginning Feb. 5th, to get you on your way to a better life through positive daily habits.

Please join the challenge by clicking here:


Receive your Living Beyond Broken series that includes:

 5 Stages of Loss video series and your Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter   

Super Bonus Chapter - includes date rape drug prevention, Stephan’s wisdom, Justice/investigation, teaching chapters (Choices, Are you a victim?) and extra resources

·       -  5 Phases of Loss video series

·        - 5 Phases of Loss e-book (plus more..)



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