Today I want to share an interview with me, done by Kym Hape, a bereaved mom living in Australia, whose mission is to help other bereaved parents heal and move through the pain of loss.  But first, I want to share a little about Kym.

Kym lost 3 babies from EFE (Endocardial fibroelastosis). EFE is a rare heart disorder that affects infants and children. Most babies die within the first five years of their life. Kym’s 3 babies died at 8 weeks, stillborn, and 2 days old.

For the next twelve years or so, Kym struggled with the deep pain and despair experienced by most parents after child loss. She lived in sadness and without hope.

Before loss, Kym had been a determined person who always wanted to be the best she could be. She was also not a “crowd follower.” With these attributes at her core, she was able to start slowly telling herself things that positively affected her mindset as she struggled through the pain.

One thing she told herself was that “the only person that can make a difference is you.” She realized that she had to take ownership of her life. She saw that people in her situation often ask, “Why me?” But she told herself that there is always someone in a worse situation than her.

During the time of her deepest struggles, she noticed a woman on her Facebook that seemed to have a very positive mindset and outlook on life. She connected with her and began meeting with her.  She states that it was a time of important self-development.

Kym now believes that we “can’t let the past define us.”  She doesn’t want to “waste” her present life and be 80 years old before she looks back and sees how she “wasted” her life. She wants to make a difference in others’ lives.

The following interview with me is one of many that Kym has done with bereaved parents, in an effort to bring awareness and healing to many. I hope that my story can help others.



Four lessons I learned from Kym:

*Change is a choice. Kym decided she didn’t want to live in despair nor let the past define her.

*Seek our resources to help with change. Kym reached out to someone that she noticed had the life she wanted.

*Change is a process.  Kym sought her friend’s guidance consistently and applied what she learned, slowly seeing the positive effects of her daily actions.

*Reaching out to help others brings healing. Kym reaches out to others, listening to their stories and coaching those who want change.

*More life truths can be found in the last chapter of Beyond Broken: Surviving and Thriving Beyond the Death of Your Child


P.S. My “100 Day Journey to Living Beyond Broken” journal is currently in the final phase and I’m excited to share it with you soon. Be watching for a pre-sale and special discounted packages!

P.P.S. For your Living Beyond Broken series that includes, 5 Stages of Loss video series and Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter CLICK HERE

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 5 Stages of Loss video series and your Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter   

Super Bonus Chapter - includes date rape drug prevention, Stephan’s wisdom, Justice/investigation, teaching chapters (Choices, Are you a victim?) and extra resources

·       -  5 Phases of Loss video series

·        - 5 Phases of Loss e-book (plus more..)



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