Navigating Hardship and Trauma

Navigating Hardship and Trauma

 People often commented on how “strong” I was in the months following my daughter’s death.  Just weeks after Julia died, one of the cards I received was from a woman who wrote that I was going to be “such a testimony”.  I stared at her words in disbelief and anger....
I am them

I am them

Marie’s Reflections There’s a Christian band called “I am they”. I thought the title rather strange until its meaning was explained. The band understood that our lives are really about others, not about “self”. But we live in a very “self” centered world that clamors...
100 Day Journey to Freedom

100 Day Journey to Freedom

Marie’s Reflections How many of you reading this are feeling hopeless? Like there’s nothing that will ever change the way you feel, unless your child was alive and with you? Or, if you could go back and “undo” all the “mistakes” you think or know you made? I want you...
Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself

“We work to become, not to acquire.” (Elbert Hubbard) Working towards a goal isn’t always “smooth sailing”. It means that we will make mistakes and have bad days. But it also means that the only time we really fail is when we quit. If we quit, then we don’t have a...

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