The Sumnicht family would suffer further disappointment when the justice system crushed their hopes of bringing closure to Julia’s death.
In 2014, a nationally recognized investigator would confirm important information about Julia’s death but would leave further disillusionment.
Investigative findings would point circumstantial evidence to two suspects who were with Julia in her last hours. Faced with one challenge after another, Julia’s mother, Marie Sumnicht, would not be deterred in her search for resolution. A soul-searching journey would lead Marie through the depths of despair and toward a place of healing she never thought possible.
Beyond Broken Mission
• To empower bereaved parents and provide a roadmap of life truths.
• To guide families through sudden loss from senseless acts of injustice, and give them hope and peace.
• To passionately advocate date rape drug prevention and to provide steps for young people to avoid senseless deaths such as Julia’s.
Your book is amazing. Once I picked it up I could hardly put it down.
I had it read before I landed in Texas.
What people have said about having tissues is true.
Especially when you and your children are sharing their perspectives.
Your book can teach us so much about life and death.
I truly felt the emotion you all went through.
It left such a heavy place in my heart about the I justice that took place and continues to take place,
even if there are occasional glimpses of hope.
This injustice to Julia is not right.
In the end, I also appreciate the feeling of hope and the tips you share to work through grief.
I believe they are powerful suggestions that can help many even if it is a different type of loss.
Thank you, Marie, for being vulnerable and yet strong enough to share your story with the world.
You make a difference in lives and you honor Julia.
Your book teaches us so much about life and death.
I wanted to share with you I finished reading your book, tonight. Honestly never read a book so fast in my life but you had me on page 1. Maybe it’s partly because I know the author and can relate to you on a personal level as well as your comments from Stephan. But, I wanted to let you know how much your book impacted me. Yes, I cried and laughed and sniffled a lot, but it was a powerful read. Your strength through these last 8 years is commendable and your faith unshaken, I hold you as an example for myself and I pray to others that God can truly use a tragedy to mold us and use our lives to impact someone else. I do also want to share, I wish I knew Julia. She seemed like a woman, who would instantly become your friend. Someone you could trust, laugh with, share secrets with, and be a best friend with. She had a wonderful mother as an example and I was so awed by your whole family during the process and how each one of you, in your own way, grew close to God through the life changing chapter. I told my mom about your book and will be giving her it, to read this week. I told her mom, this book will change how you look at life. It did for me over the last 48 hours since cracking it open. Thank you for sharing your heart. Becoming so vulnerable in a way where millions will open the covers and stand in your shoes.
I hope and pray it hits hearts and minds in a way where people’s focus goes to God and maybe their life will change as well. Love you, dear friend, I do. And very proud to share this journey and moment of accomplishment with you.
You were right about having a Kleenex box right to me 😉 you are beyond one of the strongest and God fearing women I know.
Your story is so powerful and so impactful and I know you’re going to change so many hearts, lives, minds, and souls while they read and go on your journey with you. I think any person at any point of life can be impacted by your book. I am looking forward to your next book… (please say another one is coming!) and will be praying, cheering, and rooting for justice to be brought down. It may be all in God’s timing, but prayer will help.
I am honored to be your friend and walk this journey of life with you
I love you Lots!
Your book is one that I will keep forever out in the open at my house and brought up to anyone willing to listen. Julie taught people so much and I’m honored to be able to say I know her. I say know because I still talk to her every day. The day I fell to my knees when I found out my brother in law and father in law died….I spoke directly to Julia and asked her for strength and to stand by my side through it all.
I know nothing anyone can say or do will ever heal the hole that you have inside your heart from such a tragic loss but I wanted to say god truly has a plan. And I am a firm believer that God places certain people in our lives with meaning. We have a purpose and Julia more than exceeded hers. The impact that Julia had on everyone that knew her was extraordinary, but now you made it possible for everyone that never met her in person to still get to know her story.
I love you and your family with all of my heart. I pray nothing but the very best for you all each and every day.
I wanted to write you to tell you I finished your book. How amazing. I absolutely could not put it down. I finished it in just over two hours. I am so sorry for the loss and hardships that you have experienced, there are not enough kind words in the world to ease that pain. But the way in which you use your pain to advocate for change, hope, and justice is beautiful. Just as you mentioned finding the beauty beneath the ugly wings of the butterfly, you encourage your readers to find the beauty in their own pain and struggle.
While I might not have personally known Julia, her soul shines through on each page, I feel as though I have known her my whole life. And though she may not physically be here anymore, her compassion and legacy live on through the lives she will touch from this book.
As someone who is a victim of sexual assault and being forced to take date rape drugs, I want to thank you for being a voice for the voiceless. I know you will continue to inspire change and justice as more and more people find solace in your writing.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are one of the strongest, most awe-inspiring people I know. Thank you for sharing your story and hopefully bringing justice and peace to the many others who are suffering as well.
With much love,