Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself

“We work to become, not to acquire.” (Elbert Hubbard) Working towards a goal isn’t always “smooth sailing”. It means that we will make mistakes and have bad days. But it also means that the only time we really fail is when we quit. If we quit, then we don’t have a...


Marie’s Reflections Death. Nobody wants to talk about it, even sometimes when it stares you in the face. As I write this, my aunt lies in a hospital bed, struggling to live her last moments here on earth. Watching someone die is exhausting and challenging, whether...
Life… Nine years later

Life… Nine years later

I often think back to the moment when I saw my neighbor walk out into the church parking lot on Thanksgiving weekend in 2011, about eight months after Julia’s death and 10 years since she had lost her oldest son in a car accident. I knew because I had kept track. My...

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