Marie’s Reflections

How many of you reading this are feeling hopeless? Like there’s nothing that will ever change the way you feel, unless your child was alive and with you? Or, if you could go back and “undo” all the “mistakes” you think or know you made? I want you to know that I’ve been there. In fact, I was there for at least five years.

Through an unexpected turn of events, I found myself on a new journey of healing. With a desire to do something “different” with my life and an ongoing desire to feel more positive, I tried many routes, including a trip to Africa. It wasn’t until I became involved in a unique mentorship entrepreneurial endeavor that I actually felt a strong and better “me” emerging.

What was it that made the difference? How could I have possibly gone from hopelessness to hope? It definitely wasn’t a “quick fix”. Part of the partnership responsibilities included reading self-development books, listening to inspirational audios of people who had overcome hardship, and associating with a business team that shared the same goals of character development and success in our business. Within months of committing myself to those activities which were meant to bring me financial success, I was amazed at the internal changes that I felt inside me. Ultimately, it was the daily disciplined habits that brought this change.

Beyond Broken

In the months and years after loss, sleep couldn’t come quick enough in the evenings. In the mornings, I unwillingly dragged my body out of bed, with the cruel reminder of death and loss gripping my mind and heart.

After going through a process to become educated and demonstrating coachability to my future business partners, I received an offer into mentorship. I didn’t fully understand or appreciate the value of the offer at the time, but I was looking forward to the journey.  I immediately integrated the partnership responsibilities into my daily life to be educated and prepared with the proper mindset. I was deeply impacted as the stories and principles from successful people filled my mind and my heart. Behind every successful person was a hardship or tribulation they had overcome. As I internalized stories…I felt new hope emerge from within the shadows of my heart.” (Chapter 21, Beyond Broken)

Daily Living

So what does this mean for you? You’re feeling the weight of your pain, whether from loss or other adversity. I know what you’re thinking. How could a simple “daily habit” change my feelings and my attitude about life right now?

I used to laugh at the people who posted things such as “Happiness is a choice” or other ridiculous quotes. I wanted to challenge them to choose happy after they’d lost a child.

What I learned was that it wasn’t a choice to be happy. It was a choice to want to be happy. I always had the resolve to find peace and hope and understanding since the day I heard they found my daughter’s body. All you need is that same resolve.

To help you on your personal journey to healing, I have created a journal.

The idea to create the journal came from the realization that true and lasting change is only possible with disciplined daily habits.

I was at the bottom, living in despair with no place to turn. It wasn’t until I saw and felt the results of my daily habits that I realized what had given me new life.

I created a journal with you in mind. All you have to do is turn to Day 1 with a pen in hand and an attitude that desires truth and change. And then, be faithful to fill out and do each day’s requests. Be watching in the next couple days for more details!

Receive your Living Beyond Broken series that includes:

 5 Stages of Loss video series and your Beyond Broken Super Bonus Chapter   

Super Bonus Chapter - includes date rape drug prevention, Stephan’s wisdom, Justice/investigation, teaching chapters (Choices, Are you a victim?) and extra resources

·       -  5 Phases of Loss video series

·        - 5 Phases of Loss e-book (plus more..)



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